Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Beginning

This blog is about meditation and Buddhism. This blog is not just for Buddhists; it is for everyone who is looking for practical methods of attaining desirable goals in life; peace, happiness, calm, concentration, loving relationships, and overall harmony in all things.

This site is intended for use by people with no previous experience with meditation or Buddhism. It is my intention to draw together all of what I consider to be the best resources I've found, and package it all up in the most efficient manner, putting things in my own words, and hopefully creating a kind of condensation of all I have found useful in Buddhism and Meditation practices. I will be trying to use the simplest, most effective language. Where there are good resources (Text, Video, Talks etc.) I will link to those.

I am being very ambitious here, and I am prepared for failure! Some people spend their lives transmitting Dharma... my couple of hours of slapdash writings is a drop in the ocean.

I am not an expert in this field, only a very enthusiastic amateur who has been transformed by the wisdom of the Buddha, and those teachers who have transmitted that wisdom to me in various forms. I hope to continue the transmission.

Don't just take my word for anything, go out and try stuff, find other sources of information. That's what the Buddha would have wanted.
Thanks for visiting.

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